Identifikasi Permasalahan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di RW 09 Kelurahan Kelapa Dua Wetan Kecamatan Ciracas Jakarta Timur

  • Nadirahilah Nadirahilah Institut Kesehatan dan Teknologi Pondok Karya Pembangunan
  • Nedra Wati Zaly
  • Dyah Intan Bellatris
Keywords: Permasalahan, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Remaja


Adolescent reproductive health problems can generally be caused by peer influence and lack of knowledge about reproductive health issues such as maturing age at marriage, the Youth Reproductive Health Triad (KRR), which includes sexuality, HIV/AIDS, and drugs. This study aims to identify adolescent reproductive health problems that may be experienced by adolescents in RW 09 Kelapa Dua Wetan Village, Ciracas District, East Jakarta. The research methodology employed is qualitative. Data was collected by using in-depth interviews with seven teenagers who were selected as samples. The results of the study found that the sexual behavior of adolescents in RW 09 was not at a risky stage. Teenagers' knowledge of HIV/AIDS was quite good, such as knowing the causes of HIV/AIDS. Teenagers also already had a good picture of young marriage. A description of the smoking behavior of young men in RW 09 should be appreciated because, even though they have smoked, teenagers are motivated to stop smoking. Teenagers in RW 09 still need to be cared for and accompanied during their growth and development period even though, in general, they do not have significant reproductive health problems. Parents and the community, especially regional leaders and community leaders, can jointly take a role in supporting youth to carry out positive activities such as routine counseling programs on adolescent reproductive health, sports and religious studies.


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How to Cite
Nadirahilah, N., Zaly, N., & Bellatris, D. (2023). Identifikasi Permasalahan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di RW 09 Kelurahan Kelapa Dua Wetan Kecamatan Ciracas Jakarta Timur, 11(2), 213-220.